Contact Information
Our friendly team is ready to answer your questions - get in touch with us.
E-mail Address
Phone Number
Phone Number
Jupiter, FL 33458 USA
People usually ask these
Yes, but only if the order is not yet shipped. To cancel your order, please go to your account. You can choose to cancel individual items or the whole order. We’ll send you an email within an hour to let you know if the cancellation worked. If your order is too far into the fulfillment process, we will NOT be able to cancel your order. Items that are in stock are processed quickly so that we can aim to get products to our customers without delay. You can visit our Returns Policy to help you get the order back to us instead.
You will need to register before you can place an order with No Grow As long as you have a valid email address, you can head over to our sign up page to create your account and place your order. You’ll be up to date with the latest news and product launches.
If you are seeing the status ‘Payment Problem’ on one or more of your orders then this means that we need you to check the payment information that has been submitted. Click onto the order and you should see an option to resolve the problem. Before re-entering any card details you will need to make sure that the expiry date and billing address are correct. We also recommend checking funds in the account. If you have done all that and still the problem is not fixed, then please contact our Customer Service team.
All orders are processed within 3 to 7 business days (excluding weekends and holidays) after receiving your order confirmation email and will vary depending on your location. Please expect delays on holidays. Our Shipping Information page can tell you the time frames associated with our different delivery options alongside their costs.
All our Returns and Refunds information can be found on our Returns and Refunds page.